OSMC installer being treated as virus by Norton


I have two RPi’s setup, my Pi 2 is already on OSMC 0.9.9, and loving it.

I have now decided to convert my RPi 1 that is still running on Raspbmc up to OSMC. However, when I try and download the Installer from the official Download site (Download - OSMC), Norton Internet Security treats the installer as a Virus and removes it from my PC.

I know I can restore the file, but I do not want to incase it has been hacked.

Has anybody else encountered this?



This happens again and again. Blame Symantec

I have tried reasoning with them (you can check my Twitter), but this has got nowhere. We have to whitelist each build, but I am looking at automating this in the future.

If you would like some peace of mind see Windows 8 Installer Picked up as virus. For further assurance, see our GitHub for the full source code


Thanks Sam, I’ve restored the file and am installing OSMC again now.

Trust Symantec to be a pain!