OSMC Release Candidate

This seems to either have been fixed or was a freak one off.Left over night and was working fine. Multiple reboots and its still working.

I rebooted the Pi (via menu in Kodi), went to networking and all that was showing was Wired
Pulled the power and rebooted and same again, only wired. Not sure I can reproduce this error again?

There doesn’t seem to be this option under any of the menus, or does this need to be done via ssh?

Can’t wait to try out the new Release candidate. Thanks everyone who is working hard on this.

This worked, I will post the info in the other thread

So fare so good! Congrats!

Long time XBMC user, first time OSMC user here.
Install went very smoothly & was up and running in no time on new RPi2.
Got to iron out some issues with remote button mapping (not having any luck with Keymap Editor addon)
Great job guys!!

Oh coolio Vero must be close, Great job Sam and team can’t wait to try it .

Well done on the rc. Runs great, setup was smooth. Still looking for samba shares though? Need to access usb hard drive connected to the pi from desktop windows pc.

In the appstore you can install a Samba server.

Thanks for that will have a look and post back.

The final version is for March 27 ?

Yes. But the year is subject to change.

Just an update, did a fresh install on another raspberry pi 2 and this didn’t happen. When going to networking only wired showed up.

Did have the issue with the return button on the MY OSMC app again, had to press it a few times to get any response but after that it seems to work. Tricky one to reproduce though to get a log. Will keep trying

I installed the RC on a new card, configured it the way I had Alpha 4 set up, and it seems to be working on my Pi 2B.

I have installed the samba server from the app store but my windows pc still won’t show the pi as it used to with raspbmc.

Perhaps the method you’re trying isn’t the best to get results.
I find that looking for it under networks is a chancy business - you do better to do
Start|Run and then put the equivalent of \ in the Open box (using the appropriate IP address), and hitting OK.
If that doesn’t work, then there is something else wrong

I have found it but now im having issues getting the /etc/samba/smb.conf configured right. No matter what changes i make i cannot gain access to the folders but i can now see them, and i would like it to be not password protected.

You could try adding the following to your [public] block in smb.conf:

guest ok = yes
create mask=0766
directory mask=0766


Just received a notification in OSMC about an update available. Is there a changelog somewhere?


You could try jenkins.osmc.tv, there is a brief description attached to every new revision of the packages that are part of osmc

No OSMC updates have been released in the last few days for Pi 1 or Pi 2 that I’m aware of.

They may be Raspbian/Debian updates, but the built in update module in OSMC settings will not normally show those if no OSMC updates are available. (However if you update from the command line you will get them regardless)