OSMC Vero V Review

£149 is the introductory price. That’s what we will allow customers to place an order at. Then, when we have to, we reserve the right to / may need to raise the price. But this will be a while off and should let all existing customers get their hands on a device at the best price.

I really appreciate the loyal customers that have supported OSMC over the years. The goal is to provide them with a smooth purchase experience (buy it, get it a few days later) and avoid the months of delays that some users faced with Vero 4K + when it launched

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Mine should be waiting for me to get home :grinning:

I don’t care about a discount, as long as the price is fair.

I can see several people already have bought the Vero V, so what is considered a loyal customer?

Anyone with a previous purchase history. The only way to be fair is to pick completely randomly, then send them a message asking if they’re interested. If they don’t reply after a few days or place an order, it goes to another person randomly.

As this has made people unhappy I can put up a purchase link later today, but I suspect they will sell out very quickly.

I got my 4k+ from the used market so i’ll humbly have to wait my turn :innocent:

I have made it possible to place an order now.
There’s some more information here

Any results yet? :slight_smile:

A 50GB file that is 2hrs long is 57 mb/s. A 2.4ghz wireless n connection with 20MHz wide channels can do around 87 mb/s so it might be able to squeak by (although you might need to use a system mount instead of using Kodi paths). If you are in an environment that allows you to run 40MHz wide channels that would double that speed. If you are running wireless ac with dual 80MHz channels you have about ten times the bandwidth needed for that file in an ideal environment. As for saturating your network this isn’t really much of a wifi specific issue. A decent modern access point should handle many simultaneous connections without an issue. You can saturate a GbE connection pretty easy as well.

I mean you said it, WiFi5 is not WiFi5 and there’s enough routers out there that push only ~1200 MBit/s with dual band at best.

Long story short, I agree, as long as your access point has the legs, you will have no problems with ac Wi-Fi and the current state-of-the-art streaming and there’s still room to breath.

I have run into an issue with being able to download SMB from the OSMC servers, Sam is investigating. So I’ve not yet got around to cloning my sources and advancedsettings xml files, I guess I can build those without SMB but want to get that fixed first.

I have tested live TV playback and I am very encouraged by what I’m seeing with 1080i/50 live TV, my first impressions are that there is more detail than with the old Vero but no proper testing yet. Look forward to swapping notes in due course.

Order placed!

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Order placed.

Here’s a stress test I ran on my setup. The 2 wireless streams were a 4K UHD and a 1080P stream both full bitrate. This is using an older Netgear Nighthawk X6 R8000 wireless router. I’ve had 3 - 1080P and 1 UHD all running across wireless at the same time with no issues, including multiple Vero 4k+ units as clients.

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@jaokim_s and @dbischof90, it was sarcasm.
That troll guy thinks that he needs 802.11ax but didn’t complain about the ethernet port only being 1Gbps.
That was my sarcastic point.
“If 802.11ac is not future proof for a media player than neither is 1Gbps.”
They are both more than future proof for media playback.
Sorry you guys missed the sarcasm.

See, you think you’re being sarcastic, but over in this thread there actually were a couple of people complaining for real about the fact that the Vero V won’t have 2.5Gigabit ethernet.


Even DCP originals that theatres use for digital projection don’t exceed a bitrate 256Mbps.

Well, everyone knows you can’t even get 720p/30 without at least 1Gb Ethernet so 2.5Gb should be okay for 1080p/60 on a good day. Maybe.

I still got the first Vero 4K, without the plus, so a 100Mbit connection … I never had an issue even.
Probably danced around those difficult movies, but still that says something.

The buffer can usually handle the peaks that exceed 100Mbps.
Where you run into issues is if it sustains that for a longer period of time than the buffer can handle.
Maybe the Life of Pi UHD would give you issues, but not much else.

If your using Kodi paths a 100mb/s connection has problems with rips that are 50GB+ for a regular length movie. A system mount or some other tweaks can sometimes get you there, but not always, at least for a Vero 4K. I had to use a USB GbE adapter to play my largest files. The Vero V seems better in networking speeds with my testing though. Things I couldn’t play on my 4K via wifi play just fine on the Vero V sitting in the same spot as the old unit connecting to the same access point.