OSMC's Easter update is here with Kodi v18 (Leia) - OSMC

Updated from the December 2018 install. I run the Vero 4K stock, with no addons.
Suspend does not work for me. The screen goes black for about four seconds and then returns to the default screen.

Suggest that you open a new thread (actually there might be already one but didnā€™t find it) and attach a debug log.

There was a case were some (delayed) keypresses woke up the device, but a debug log will tell if your issue is the same.
Als please list all remote devices you have connected to control the Vero.

Finally, Iā€™m able to watch HBOgo and other widevine stuff on my OSMCs

Thanks for the update!

So, Should we just remove the beta sources from apt list now?

Thatā€™s up to you


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Sam, I think that kodi 18.2 final was released today, does that mean that we will get another update for our vero?

We have already released Kodi 18.2


Thanks for update. Everything seems fine. Better actually.

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What can be improved is process of recovering old account. Lost password page should not display only that Invalid username or email if such are present in old account. That page should instruct such user to simply re-register with same data.

I hope that is only beginning since itā€™s not convenient to connect some tablets to TV:

In some countries, Internet availability and/or bandwidth is limited. Users may choose to download content to be able to watch it in high enough resolution for satisfactory viewing experience.

Thanks Sam. Perhaps my imagination but seems to run slightly faster than prior version

Thanks for the update, everythingā€™s working fine but the following:
I donā€™t know if itā€™s a kodi 18 or osmc problem. When I open a Bluray 4k HDR iso, the video lags every 3-5 seconds, although the player cache seems to be full and cpu doesnā€™t operate at full capacity. The sound continues during the lags and the info menu shows up every time, when the video continues. If I want to go into bluray menu, it stops after showing the studio advertisment. Opening non-iso 4k HDR content works fine, itā€™s just happening with .iso files.

We would need more info on this.

Great the version 18 is outā€¦ One questionā€¦ :slight_smile:

I am running Tvheadend client, but now are getting high temp according to Kodi, did not happen in version 17.

Anybody else there is seeing this??? :slight_smile:

What temp are you seeing that you think qualifies as high?

That little temp in the right corner coming up. :slight_smile: Looks like a thermostat.

That sounds like an addon running rogue. Suggest to review your addons.

@fzinken same setup as when running on version 17 so what has been put in version 18 hereā€¦ I only have 2-3 add-ons, and I am having the same issue on version 19 :+1:t2:

Well there are many changes in V18 and addons might need to be adjusted to that changes

Year I know that version 18 is a huge updateā€¦ But even only running osmc, and tvheadend I am having the ā€œissueā€

On my andriod tv box running 18.2rc and tvheadend itā€™s not a comingā€¦ Just wondering and if I could help to get it fixed I would to. :+1:t2:

So just wondering if anyone else has the same experience as I do. :relaxed:

Well my suggestion is still to disable addons and see if it makes a change.