Really basic remote questions - volume up/down?

Not yet – we’ve been quite busy shipping.

Did you try disabling the repeat filter in eventlircd? That’s probably suppressing the repeat presses.

Sorry I was a bit busy myself these days… I can confirm that it is not the repeat filter. After disabling it, other keys go mad, but not the ff/rw keys - they just don’t repeat at all.

Okay – unfortunately I don’t have any further ideas at this time

But you do know that they are equivalent to the other buttons at hardware level? Unfortunately I have no idea through which stages the signals go, so it’ll be a bit hard to investigate, but I’ll try one of these days. Happy for more input if anyone has an idea…

Is this method still working for the Vero 4k?

I created a copy /etc/lirc/osmc-remote-vol-lircd.conf with those keys replaced (not commented out), selected the remote in myOSMC and rebooted. I can see it being sym linked in the directoy - lircd.conf -> /etc/lirc/osmc-remote-vol-lircd.conf - but the keys refuse to work.

The new remote isn’t IR based, so the adjustments should be made to the remote/keyboard.xml files directly I believe.


Thank you, I edited /usr/share/kodi/system/keymaps/remote.xml and rebooted, now it works!

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That file will be overwritten by updates, you better but your changes into .kodi/userdata/keymaps/remote.xml


Thank you for pointing that out, will do.

2 posts were split to a new topic: Customize Home Menu

I created
~/.kodi/userdata/keymaps/keyboard.xml but it didn’t work.
So I created ~/.kodi/userdata/keymaps/remote.xml and at least the volume can now be controlled via fastforward and fastrewind :slight_smile: I didn’t get CECStandby to work on the home button, but that is logical because there is no such thing as . I haven’t figured out yet the element that represent’s the remote Home button.



also tried <menu>CECStandby</menu>

Edit: longpressing the fwd and frewind buttons doesn’t do anything (I want it to change volume), even when I add the mods:

      <forward mod="longpress">VolumeUp</forward>
      <reverse mod="longpress">VolumeDown</reverse>

There is just one more open question for this topic:
How to get longpress on forward/reverse buttons to work? I expect the volume to go up/down, but this only works with short presses, which can be a bit annoying.

I would say from a user experience point of view, controlling volume via longpress is easier/makes more sense than short presses, so I would even be willing to give up short presses (or reserve that for actual forward/reverse!).

Is this possible?

The current remote pathway doesn’t support it at this time without quite a lot of fiddling unfortunately.

OK thanks!

I have the following in my keymap.xml.

I’m using Vero 4K with included IR remote.

CECActivateSource is mapped to the home button.
The volume only changes with the up/down buttons when video is playing, i can use these buttons normally in the menu system.

			<key id="37">cecactivatesource</key>
			<key id="166">volumeup</key>
			<key id="167">volumedown</key>
			<key id="195">playerdebug</key>

Thanks! However I prefer the up/down buttons for +10min/-10min :slight_smile: although after a few updates I noticed they don’t work like that anymore, still that is what I always preferred. left/right for scrolling back/forth and up/down for a big step forward/backward.

In my case CECActivateSource only turns on the receiver (Vero4K is connected directly to HDMI IN on my receiver, TV is connected to HDMI OUT). The TV stays off.

However, when the TV is set to a different HDMI input (not the receiver), when I press the home button the TV switches to the receiver input, that’s nice.

I dunno if its something to do with my new tv but all of a sudden I can use the volume buttons on the black OSMC remote to steer the volume for my Yamaha?! I did not map anything, it suddenly just works.

Why I say I could have something to do with the tv is because I was amazed that the small metallic remote for the Samsung also can control OSMC!?

I feel like im living in the Matrix now 8)

This is CEC. It’s never worked that reliably as most TVs don’t implement this function; but your AVR may.
