Regarding Steamlink

Thanks, just was a little confused by the terms. That being said, much appreciate the work you’ve done on this. Currently looks as though the steamlink for raspberry software is not working. Several reports on the steam forums of it crashing on launch. Happening with me as well. I imagine you’ll be getting those bug reports even though they have nothing to do with your launcher :wink:

How to find deb packages with newer packages than 1.0.7?

its selfupdating, so there no need

Hey all,

When trying to run SteamLink for the first time i get an error; dpkg: warning 'idconfig" not found in path or not executable

Any idea whats causing that? All I have done is set up an MCE remote and install Toasts launcher add on

using what device ?

Thanks for getting back. Got it working.

So its a Raspberry Pi 3B+, and on first run it was trying to update a bunch of packages. Just for anyone else having the same issue. Exit OSMC to CLI and then run steam link. This successfully updated the packages and ran the application for me

Just one more question.

I’m running the Bello 7 skin and trying to create a new menu item to add Toasts steam link shortcut. But everytime I try to add the menu item it runs steamlink. How can I create a new shortcut in a new menu item?

With the lastest update to Steam Link, it appears that OSMC will need an update to udev rules, or so I gather on the forums there…

Actually, speaking with the Steam Link Developer, he noted that user “osmc” should be in the “input” group…

Originally posted by Corvus Shade :

Originally posted by slouken :

Are you trying to connect the Steam Controller wired with the dongle?

What’s the output of:
ls -l /dev/hidraw*; id

Using the dongle… output of above is given below…

crw-rw---- 1 root input 247, 0 Jan 12 21:48 /dev/hidraw0
crw-rw---- 1 root input 247, 1 Jan 12 21:48 /dev/hidraw1
crw-rw---- 1 root input 247, 2 Jan 12 21:48 /dev/hidraw2
crw-rw---- 1 root input 247, 3 Jan 12 21:48 /dev/hidraw3
crw-rw---- 1 root input 247, 4 Jan 12 21:48 /dev/hidraw4
crw-rw---- 1 root input 247, 5 Jan 12 21:48 /dev/hidraw5
crw-rw---- 1 root input 247, 6 Jan 12 21:48 /dev/hidraw6
uid=1000(osmc) gid=1000(osmc) groups=1000(osmc),4(adm),6(disk),7(lp),20(dialout),24(cdrom),29(audio),44(video),112(sambashare)

So it looks like the problem is that the OSMC user isn’t in the input group. I wonder if this can be fixed by the OSMC team…

Turns out the fix is pretty simple. Just add user “osmc” to the “input” group as follows…

" sudo usermod -a -G input osmc"

…and the controller is now being correctly recognized.


added :slight_smile:

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I don’t think this is the correct solution.

I am also concerned with the number of precise magic sleeps in the code – why 8 seconds; why 0.5 seconds?

Do you have a link to this correspondence?



can remove the sleep additions just that it works good for me in the past especially for older rpi

Looks like Toast posted the discussion thread. My gamer tag on Steam is “Corvus_Shade”. (same avatar as here)

sudo cp /home/osmc/.local/share/SteamLink/udev/rules.d/55-steamlink.rules /lib/udev/rules.d/55-steamlink.rules 

needs to be performed manually after latest update also updated the laucher for kodi 19 need to post an additional launcher for kodi 18 users in the upcoming days

however its super simple to fix all anyone has to do is change the line in addon.xml to

<import addon="xbmc.python" version="2.25.0"/>

and its kodi 18 compatible

Working on a new version that will download and install Steamlink with help support Valve it will also detect platform so that elec users can use it.

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I’ll look for it and give it a try. Recently tested steamlink on raspbian and, I got to say, the performance is significantly better…even with your launcher getting OSMC out of the way first.

…that being said, I can use my Steam Controller to navigate OSMC, launch steamlink, and play. I’m not able to install the native steam-drivers in raspbian and they are conflicting with the udev rules set by steamlink.

report this on steam forums

Hi all,

So basically I have spent the entire day today to get my PC to stream the games to my TV downstairs. Luckily, I’ve managed to get that working but to get Steam to work, I had to launch it via SSH. I did find the Steam Link launcher add-on on Github and I have installed it. But my question is, HOW do you get Steam to be launched from OSMC with that add-on installed? GitHub - swetoast/steamlink-launcher: Steamlink launcher for OSMC

I have looked all over the settings but either my understanding of how this works is incorrect or maybe I have screwed something up. OSMC gave me the notification that the add-on was installed successfully but I still don’t see an option where to launch Steam, not even under Games > Addons. Hopefully, someone here can assist? Many thanks!

just start the addon and it will do that for you, it might take a while if its installing but it will launch steamlink