Stutter using tvheadend

I added some improvements for LiveTV in staging.

  1. Login via the command line
  2. Edit the file /etc/apt/sources.list
  3. Add the following line: deb jessie-devel main
  4. Run the following commands to update: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && reboot
  5. Your system should have have received the update.

Please see if the issue is resolved.

I also recommend you edit /etc/apt/sources.list again and remove the line that you added after updating. This will return you to the normal update channel.

Yep, looks like that’s fixed it for me. Thanks Sam.
What did you have to do?

Mearest hint of judder on the EastEnders titles- but you really have to look for it.
The Shrek scene pans smoothly.
I had an old recording of Mrs Doubtfire from Channel 4 HD which I was keeping as a test case because that used to be bad and that’s smooth as well now.

I’d call it fixed from here. Nice one.

It seems fixed for me aswell.

Good times :slight_smile:

Thanks @sam_nazarko

Thanks for confirming.

I will get an update out with these changes today.


Has this fix been pushed out yet?

I got my Vero 4K yesterday (love it) and have installed the Myth TV client add-on. Everything works well apart from BBC HD channels which buffer an stutter when viewing Live TV. Recordings of BBC HD play perfectly as do Live Channel 4 HD and NHK HD.

I updated OSMC and Kodi immediately and allowed the box to reboot.

Let me know if you need logs or if I should start a new thread.

Yes — the fixes were released in October. I’ll take another look, as I have been watching BBC One HD regularly on my device

It was BBC 2 HD and BBC News HD over satellite that I had the issue on, didn’t try One HD.
Myth backend is on my server, ethernet connections, 4K TV connected via receiver.
I will capture logs tonight and post.

Log uploaded

Let me know if you need anything else

@sam_nazarko Did you get a chance to look into this?

I have a LibreElec box which works fine and I notice that it’s addon is a higher version. MythTV PVR Client source is now at v5.0.8. Perhaps an update is all that is required?

More Live TV improvements coming in the next update. I’m not sure if the TVHeadend client version needs bumping but if there’s a newer version available I’ll do that


This problem seems to happen on non-OSMC Kodi versions as well, so i was wondering about the root cause. I couldn’t find an explanation here in the thread, Sam seems to have fixed something (magical/unexplained), from all i read here.

How/where would i be able to find insight into the root cause ? Any specific diff on OSMC if “read the fine source” is the only way ?


As this is a three-years-old thread it’s best to create new post with explanation of your problem and debug enabled logs.

Its not a problem i can re-create, it’s from someone else. And i was specifically only looking for an exlanation what was fixed back then.