[TESTING] Kodi v21 release builds

Indeed, we will have to wait for Bookworm then.

Did you find the issue?

Please be patient. Kodi v21 is currently in testing state. If you want a stable system you should stick with v20 for now

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This should now be resolved. Thank you for the report.


Can not confirm. Same issue.

Can you please post a log so I can check that you updated your system?


Can you try and play that iso from a locally attached drive? I’d like to exclude network communication and smb from the suspects.

I can try.

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I played the iso from usb. Same issue. Only 2D. No problems with Kodi 20.

Can you post the logs please?


Could you possibly confirm that this v21 update, WILL NOT work in a Raspberry PI 5?


That’s correct – there is no initial image for Pi 5 yet. All supported devices are listed in the original thread.

3D MVC works now! Thank you.


Plan is to release as a stable update once Kodi v21.1 arrives.

Simple question for simple answer. Is there any timeline for 21.1 release and if yes what this timeline is.

Thank you.

Not yet.

:wink: :+1:

Sam, are you building the ProjectM visualization in the Omega release?
The reason I’m asking is that it seems to have disappeared on one of my Vero5’s after upgrading to the test release. I could swear it was on both under the last Nexus releases.

On the vero5 which has it, I see it under ~/.kodi/addons/visualization.projectm, so I suspect it may be the copy I originally built myself a while back, although I see a 21.0 version there, and I don’t recall building it for Omega. Or maybe they pushed the “omega” build out to run under Nexus as well based on the symlink I see)

osmc@osmc5:~/.kodi/addons/visualization.projectm$ ls -la
total 7152
drwxr-xr-x  3 osmc osmc    4096 Mar  1 22:36 .
drwxr-xr-x 86 osmc osmc    4096 Jul  1 12:55 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 osmc osmc   35226 Mar  1 22:36 addon.xml
drwxr-xr-x  4 osmc osmc    4096 Mar  1 18:50 resources
lrwxrwxrwx  1 osmc osmc      30 Mar  1 18:50 visualization.projectm.so -> visualization.projectm.so.20.4
-rw-r--r--  1 osmc osmc 3636828 Mar  1 19:31 visualization.projectm.so.20.2.0
lrwxrwxrwx  1 osmc osmc      32 Mar  1 22:36 visualization.projectm.so.20.4 -> visualization.projectm.so.21.0.0
-rw-r--r--  1 osmc osmc 3636828 Mar  1 22:36 visualization.projectm.so.21.0.0

The plugin does run fine, although it can pound the CPU (especially if you try to run it under high render quality)