Vero 4K + shipment details (08/08/18)

What’s the order number? We cleared orders on 25th June some time ago.


Order #18556 ( June 25, 2018 )
It says that the order is completed but not shipped yet

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If the order is completed, it has shipped.
It shipped on 31/08. You can track it via La Poste or the OSMC website.

I might have missed something, is there a website to track my order? (19059) or I will receive another email when it is shipped?
Thank you, Gergo

glad to hear that Sam but there’s no tracking number when I’m connected to my osmc account
Anyway, it has been shipped that’s the most important

The tracking number is provided in the dispatch email.

See Track Order – OSMC or follow the instructions in the shipping email


found the number in the mail
thank you

Good to hear there are updates on shipments, glad it is sorted now!
So hopefully my order (19107) from 26th July will ship anytime now :slight_smile:

July 15th, in the 18xxx range.

Sam has said those numbers won’t be relevant since it’s by region.

Order-tracking does not seem to work anymore on My Account. Tracking is empty; had some data there earlier today (I can also get data when checking the tracking number manually in the postal service tracking.

The API doesn’t seem to be very reliable. Sometimes refreshing the page helps.

I’ll see if I can improve this. In the future I’ll cache tracking so it doesn’t need to use the external API every time.

object(stdClass)#1 (3) {
  string(3) "429"
  string(17) "Too Many Requests"
  string(19) "Rate Limit exceeded"

It looks like someone was refreshing the page constantly last night, which means that we exceeded the number of API calls allowed in a 24 hour period.

I’ll add some rate-limiting and it will work again shortly.



July 18 checking in with a completed order. :heavy_check_mark:

My order that was placed on July 22 was shipped today. Upgraded the receiver and speakers so I can’t wait to watch 4K atmos movies.

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Hi there!

The new tracking page seems to work fine for me at the moment, great work! :slight_smile:

I was just curious about the Facebook tracking pixel that is included on the tracking page, is that intentional?

Thanks in advance!

Thanks – didn’t know about that. Might be introduced by the theme. I’ll look in to this.


Thanks for your swift reply! That is very much appreciated!

The Facebook-related javascript seems to be related to WooCommerce:
(line 89)
< !-- WooCommerce Facebook Integration Begin -->
< !-- Facebook Pixel Code -->

I export our products to our Facebook page using their plugin.

If they’ve injected a tracking pixel in their plugin that’s quite naughty. I’ll ping the developer.

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