Vero 4K + shipment details (08/08/18)

There wasn’t a need for it beforehand and I was busy with getting more units in previously.


My Vero 4K+ order from 16. July has now been shipped :+1:


Inching ever closer to August! :ok_hand:

Wondering how long it’s going to take to reach the august 25 orders :stuck_out_tongue:

But I’m sure Sam and the team are probably working as hard as they can.

This will be easy to see if people just post when their Vero 4K+ has been shipped here (with information on order date as well).

Ordered on July 30 not shipped yet :roll_eyes:

Ordered 19th July. Going holiday on Sunday hope I don’t miss it.

I think you ordered on the 17th. We have already packaged this and it’s scheduled for collection tomorrow.

Awesome, great news. Thanks.

Hi Sam. Can you share orders till what date can be classified as “packaged and it’s scheduled for collection tomorrow”?

I think Orders including the first August Week could be packed till the weekend

-if not, please correct me @sam_nazarko

So orders made last week won’t be shipped for another 2 weeks?

I think you will survive waiting a bit, some of us have been waiting for close to 2 months :slight_smile:
Based on the Vero 4K (which I currently have in my setup); it will be worth the wait.


for sure, i placed my 4K+ order on 4th August and still happy with the 4K since day 1

I completely understand people want it now/yesterday. But we need to keep in mind that this is a small business flooded with orders. Based on previous experience; we will all receive our gadget and have a great service from the OSMC team for years. All this waiting will be forgotten shortly.


Of course, please don’t get me wrong. I just get a little bit to exited from time to time when I’m looking forward to something.

Like I said before, I am sure Sam and the OSMC team are doing their very best.

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A post was split to a new topic: New Vero 4k +: Help with Atmos

Hi guys,

I’ve been getting a lot of emails and support tickets from customers asking when they’ll get their device(s). My answer is still the same, and that’s that I don’t have an ETA just yet.

I do appreciate the eagerness, so once we have an accurate forecast of numbers that we can ship weekly, I’ll make a tool available to give you a dispatch date. This should be ready by the end of the week.

I don’t think that’s realistic.
25-26th July is when we originally announced Vero 4K +. That’s when order volume gets insane.

We are working around the clock currently.

I can but this would take too much time away from shipping, which is why we will release a tool to do this. We have some products next year that we expect will have similar levels of traction (don’t worry – not a Vero!); so it helps to develop processes to mitigate this, as well as re-evaluate the logistics side of things.

Thanks for your patience and support



My order from 24th june was shipped last friday, left UK and should be near home, Royal Mail forwards to main spanish mail company web that doesn’t recognize tracking # but seems something usual.

What ? I ordered on JUNE 25th !! still waiting for shipping