Hi. My problem concerns connectivity. In a previous thread:
I thought I had it fixed by changing router but that soon proved false.
My PC has a USB wifi adapter and a DHCP IP assignment. When I add the Vero to my network there are 2 issues:
the Vero won’t connect to the internet (OSMC/Network says ‘eth0 (No Internet)’), and
my PC and other devices lose the internet.
I’ve given the Vero various manual IP addresses as well as an automatic one and have tried 3 different routers. There was a ‘eth0 (Connected)’ one time but it didn’t last.
My Dune player works fine with these numbers:
IP address =
Subnet Mask =
Default gateway =
DNS Server #1 =
For the Vero, I’ve used the same except for ‘237’ obviously. Why it won’t connect and stay connected I’ve no idea. Can anyone suggest what on earth is going on here? Thank you.