Vero V soft launch

The USB is inside the device now.

Come today to the website to order new device, 4K+ actually and learned that Version “V” is out. Congratulations!

Since I was about to have it as a present, what is the approximate ETA for orders to US? If I’m lucky to put an order, ofcourse, because devices are not available even for soft-orders.

Thanks for replying , then I realised what was the issue .
Random question , I have only replaced box (vero4k) by the new one vero v , I mean It’s using hdmi cable and power supply from old model, will this be a problem ?

We’re about a week off re-stocking.

Then shipping to the US is pretty fast.

Hopefully our US reseller will also be stocked soon.

Should be fine unless you use USB devices then I suggest to use the new power supply. Generally if not too much effort I suggest to switch to the new power supply.

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@sam_nazarko can you share some info’s about the resellers for Germany? Maybe a list of official resellers and when the new Veros should be send to Germany? Or are already some on the way to the resellers?
Thanks for your support.

Who’s the reseller in the US?
Will it be available on Amazon?

I messaged you just now about Order #43289. Please let me know when you get it. The new one, not the old message saying the transfer wasn’t working.

Will the VeroV sort the Samba bug? 3 years ago the Vero4K would download at 23MB/sec when powered on and 14MB/sec when in standby, after an update it only ever downloads at 14MB/s regardless of its power up condition.

Not aware of such a bug. Would be useful to know how the drive is formatted etc.

You can order from ZonePi or WElectron.

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No plans for Amazon from us, but in the US you can buy from PiShop. See Vero V -

They will have stock early next week, but I suspect it will sell out fast.

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Are there resellers in Austria?

When do you expect that the european shops have the Vero V listed?

My Vero4k is overheating and awaits is retirement

I posted re it Sept 2021 after that update I have only been getting 14MB/s via Samba using RJ45 cable to a 4TB NTFS self powered HDD

NTFS is probably the bottleneck. It will be faster on V.

Via Samba?

Yes, I’d suspect so.

Order #43289 shows as successfully deposited. Hope to hear some good news soon.

Thanks, Sam, I formatted a drive Ext4 and am getting 42MB/s, very happy with that until I get a Vero V

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Glad to hear this.