What can the Vero 4K do?

So I’ve looked at a few dozen articles regarding building a tv box which would run Kodi and stream internet content but also play local movie files and perhaps even live tv. So the PI 3 dropped out when I discovered it just doesn’t have the power to run 1080 at high frame rates and cant’ handled H265.

I then came across the Vero 4K. Something are in the spec page but others I couldn’t find. so perhaps some one could help me with a few questions here. Some are to do with driver availability and hard ware compatibility.

  1. The remote with the Vero has limited buttons e.g no fastforward so can it be replaced by a flirc usb ir receiver ? Can the existing IR receiver be programmed to work with an existing tv remote ?

  2. I want to plug an external hard drive in using the USB connection which will hold movie content. Is there a max hard drive or media file size that OSMC can handle ?

  3. The hard drive will be NTFS , can that be read by OSMC ?

  4. I’m also thinking of adding a dual digital free to air tv receiver (USB).
    This would require a TV service to work with kodi ( on my windows HTPC I have nextPvr).
    Is there an equivalent TV service provider software that works on OSMC with Kodi ?

  5. Would a Hauppauge TV tuner usb work on OSMC …ie will it be recognised and will drivers work ?


Erick Treetops

We used to have Fast Forward and Rewind buttons but recently replaced them on the remote with volume buttons. You can use the Kodi add-on ‘Keymap Editor’ to change the functionality of any buttons.

The FLIRC would work.

You can also use CEC or IR remotes (either using presets in My OSMC → Remotes as you would on Pi) or recording your own profile.

OSMC supports external drives (you’ve probably used this on your Pi3).
The limitations to filesize and drive size are usually set by the filesystem.


Re DVB: most people install TVHeadend via My OSMC → App Store. DVB support is a bit more limited but we are adding more support for tuners shortly. In the interim you could use the Pi3 as a TVHeadend backend. You could install OSMC for an easy way to install TVHeadend

Hope this helps


Thanks for that. That’s answered most of my questions. Unfortunately I don not own a Pi. And this build would not be for me as I run a small form factor htpc built on windows 10.

Some of the users have also commented that they were unable to load TVheaded via the app store.
I read this article on how to get it all to work and freaked. It’s full of “Linux” line commands [Obsolete] Instructions for Viewing Live TV I have no idea what this all means as I am from a windows .net background.

Is it really so hard to get TVheaded to work on the Vero ? Also will the Hauppauge TV tuner usb work out of the box . One user posted these commands

cd /lib/firmware
sudo wget goo.gl/xZSPH -O dvb_firmware.tar.gz
sudo tar -xzf dvb_firmware.tar.gz

cd /lib/firmware

sudo wget dvb-firmware/firmware at master · OpenELEC/dvb-firmware · GitHub

which are gibberish to me. I would be following totally blind and if something went wrong unlikely to know why ?


Where? The software can be installed very easily; but not all dongles work just yet.

It can be installed very easily from the remote.

However, the Hauppage dongle won’t work at this time. We’re working on adding support for more dongles shortly. Then it will all work out of the box without command line tinkering. I can send you a message when this is done if you’d like.

I see the thread you’ve pointed to. That’s from April 2015, and pre-dates the days of TVHeadend being available in the OSMC App Store.

Are any dual usb tuners supported. I’m looking at those that can access dvb in Australia ?

Which DVB system do you use?

We use dvb-t like most of Europe here.

Standard: DVB-T
Frequencies: UHF & VHF,
Compression: HD & SD in MPEG2
Channel bandwidth: 7MHz
Carier type: 8k
Modulation: 64QAM

Then the OSMC dongle will work out of the box; but it’s not a dual tuner.


So currently no dvb-t dual tuners are compatible ?

I don’t know which dual TV tuners are out there in honesty.
DVB-T isn’t a problem presently; only DVB-T2. The latter will be fixed shortly.

In general I suggest to stay away from dual tuners as they are always troublesome

@sam_nazarko @fzinken
ISTR that there are some subtle differences between DVB-T in UK and in Australia, and that the owner of a Humax Fox2 HDR found out how to reconfigure for those differences using something like another european country (possibly Germany).
It could mean that the dongle needs to be sourced specifically in/for Australia.
I could possibly find this in the humax forums if of use/interest

That’d be interesting reading – cheers.


OK I found a couple of threads, and this one seems to have most of the meat (difference in channel widths, reference to Germany also using 7MHz), but a later thread also has some more, referring to different areas in Australia.
The Hauppage ref could be useful.

I don’t know a single commercial pvr that has a single tuner. My htpc based on windows 10 runs a Hauppage dual tuner pci-e. If i wanted to replace it today the only alternative would be a quad tuner. As far as i know the pvr service software NextPvr can more than handle multiple tuners.

I haven’t bought a tuner but was hoping to use the hauppage dual tuner usb which works in Australia. the Humax fox 2 appears to be a UK pvr. It wouldn’t make much sense to buy a uk pvr for Australia. I can buy Australian specific pvr’s. What i was after was a single media box, that has h.265 capability , can read media from an external HD (NTFS) , with 2 digital tuners . There are a number of diy boards but very little support and i have no linux or similar o/s experience.

You could always use OSMC with the Windows PC (it will connect to the tuner backend).
I think @fzinken is saying to avoid dual tuners as general advice. You can run multiple tuners via USB however.


I found someone who managed to get this tuner working but it is dependant on the Linux Kernel used.
So worked on Pi but how can I tell which Kernel is currently run on Vero 4k ?

Also need to figure out if it will pick up Australian DVB-T channels

You will find the answer for the Kernel version in here