I’ve been trying to follow the guide and and it seems things have changed meanwhile a bit…
So the steps I needed to take as of 13th January 2018 on OSMC 17.6 with a Debian Stretch fork:
Install MySQL (MariaDB in fact as replacement of MySQL)
sudo apt-get install mysql-server
confirm the extra packages and wait the installation to complete
Login the DB
sudo mysql
Create DB user
create user 'osmc' identified by 'osmc';
Give grants
grant all on *.* to 'osmc';
Reload privs
flush privileges;
Exit the DB console
Now we need to change MariaDB conf file to allow access from other hosts than localhost
sudo nano /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf
locate the line
bind-address =
and change the IP
bind-address =
Ctrl+X to exit, confirm you want to save the file
Restart the service
sudo service mysql restart
Follow the client setup of the original guide