Key Press Repeat Crazy

Prior to the latest update on the 4K, my use of a Sky remote (UK remote) and FLIRC has been perfect. After the latest update to April release, the remote is super sensitive to the point of almost being unusable and I immediately regretted updating.

I tried extending the key repeat to the maximum, had no noticeable effect, so have disabled CEC (wasn’t using it anyway) and it may be slightly better, but pressing up, left, right etc. creates a lot of additional key repeats moving around libraries further / faster than intended making it a poor experience.

I even tried adding a key repeat of 4000 into advanced settings but that had little effect and if slighty pressing a button too long it’s repeating.

How can I slow this down and go back to a sanity speed for the key repeats?

This seems to be an issue with users who have FLIRC devices. See Remote "Double-Clicks" Following April 2019 Update.


Thanks, so no resolution yet…

I’ll try to roll back to the last version however as the Vero 4k update will have updated my shared SQL library (other kodi boxes not yet updated) is my library going to be stuffed if i roll this back?

There was a database upgrade here, but Kodi doesn’t delete old databases. So your library may just be slightly out of sync.

You might be able to reconfigure the FLIRC to behave better – but it seems to be sending unnecessary repeat presses from the logs.

I don’t know much about the FLIRC to advise.


So I’ve managed to roll back to 2018 12-1 but and the remote works normally again, but a number of things are broken, I can’t install a number of skins as dependencies can’t be met with various items.

I’m not sure why things like extendedinfo script, Kodi65 helper etc. can’t be installed anymore, maybe something peripheral to the previous upgrade to Leia.

It was all going so well… now it looks like I’ll retire this box temporarily until the FLIRC issue is resolved as I can’t get it back to how it was and my other Librelec boxes are still running the previous Kodi version and seem ok for now.

This is not just an issue with FLIRC - I have a USB remote that’s having the same issue - you have to be really quick with button presses, or you get a frenzy of repeats.

Just a +1 for the issue following the update this morning with my FLIRC.

I’ve also got a cheap and simple wireless USB keyboard, however that does not have any issues currently.

I’m looking in to this.
Hopefully the FLIRC guys look at the post (a user has reported the issue on their forum)

Well let me ask again in this thread why people using FLIRC with Vero 4k as the Vero build in IR reciever does the same job, see this thread

The built in receiver is not as sensitive, requiring careful aiming, and relatively close proximity. Additionally, it’s trivial to reconfigure the remote using FLIRC software than modifying either the Harmony remote or lircd configuration.

There’s no benefit to using the built in receiver for me.

EDIT: I forgot to mention, there’s very limited actions included in the in Vero configuration in MyHarmony. I use several buttons to do things like:

  • Show the EPG
  • Toggle subtitles
  • Toggle full-screen playback

And then there’s additional keys I’ve setup for bluetooth control and more. I’d have to spend hours adding custom commands via MyHarmony and/or changing lircd config. I can’t describe how unappealing that is.

For anyone who hasn’t seen, there’s a fix in this thread.

It will be released as an update shortly after some testing.

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I should mention, I was still getting the odd repeat after the change. I’ve increased my timeout and delay to 550ms and 65ms respectively, which seems to be stable with my flirc.

For the last week or so I’ve been experiencing chronic repeated key press issues, despite making no notable changes I can recall.
I have a Harmony remote, but this is occuring when not using the remote and simply using the standard Vero 4k remote, and configured as much. Logs are This follows a fresh boot, followed by a modification from xbmc remote to standard remote in myOSMC.
Any help much appreciated.

A reboot didn’t resolve the issue, however removing the standard RF dongle and reinserting, with no reboot solved it. The problem still occurs rarely however and hopefully you can see from a repeated keypress at some point in there.

What’s the output of lsmod via SSH?

I’d be surprised if the RF dongle is related – as it can’t interpret IR signals.


Hi @sam_nazarko , thanks for the reply as ever.

I’m not using an IR remote, just the default RF control.

The error still occurs despite updating to latest OSMC this week.
Here is my lsmod output:

osmc@osmc:~$ lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by
aes_ce_blk             20480  0
ablk_helper            16384  1 aes_ce_blk
aes_ce_cipher          16384  1 aes_ce_blk
ghash_ce               16384  0
sha2_ce                16384  0
sha1_ce                16384  0
dhd                  1368064  0
mali                  323584  1
ir_lirc_codec          16384  3
lirc_dev               24576  1 ir_lirc_codec
meson_ir               16384  0
amvdec_ports          233472  0
amvdec_mmpeg4          40960  0
amvdec_h264           147456  0
amvdec_h264mvc         69632  0
amvdec_mmpeg12         49152  0
amvdec_vp9            114688  0
amvdec_vc1             65536  0
amvdec_h265           147456  0
stream_input          192512  6 amvdec_h265,amvdec_h264mvc,amvdec_ports,amvdec_v                                                                               p9,amvdec_h264,amvdec_mmpeg12
decoder_common        200704  9 amvdec_h265,amvdec_mmpeg4,amvdec_h264mvc,amvdec_                                                                               ports,stream_input,amvdec_vp9,amvdec_h264,amvdec_vc1,amvdec_mmpeg12
firmware               28672  9 amvdec_h265,amvdec_mmpeg4,amvdec_h264mvc,decoder                                                                               _common,stream_input,amvdec_vp9,amvdec_h264,amvdec_vc1,amvdec_mmpeg12
media_clock            49152  8 amvdec_h265,decoder_common,amvdec_ports,firmware

Change the battery and repair the remote by holding Home and OK

Thanks @sam_nazarko. Unfortunately with a new battery in the RF remote it still goes crazy. Are there any other logs I can provide?

The logs show that the dongle is good.

All I can think of is some potential interference from something near by.
Also make sure that RF dongle is in black and not white USB port
